
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Truths of Breastfeeding

April 18, 2018

Breastfeeding may come easy for you and it may not. You might be one of those lucky women were your nipples are uncomfortable and sore for a few weeks and then you get used to it. I was not one of those so lucky ones. I tried everything when it came to breastfeeding. Nipple shields, creams, coconut oil, cooling gel pads, lactation teas, and cookies. After weeks of painful, sore, cracked, bleeding, hold your tongue while you curse nipples, we discovered a lip and tongue tie. At 6 weeks old, the ties were clipped and breastfeeding gradually become easier. At about 12 weeks old, my daughter and I finally had a system that worked for us. I found that using Kushies nursing pillow helped. And that pillow went everywhere with us! My 20 month old daughter Claire is a continuous nurser. She nurses about every 4 hours day and night. Some times it is just for comfortable but most of the time she is taking in milk. Yes, it is exhausting and frustrating at times. I often feel like a drive by milk stand but then I remember how lucky I am to have nursed her this long and to have such a healthy little girl. I’ve compiled a list of tips and suggestions that I wish I would have known from the start.

What to expect:

  • Breastfeeding will most likely be really uncomfortable at first.
  • Your babies latch is super important to having successful breastfeeding. My daughter had no difficulty transferring milk and was gaining weight but her latch was super painful. It did not realize until later that it should not have been that painful. If the pain continues and does not gradually become less uncomfortable seek out help. I waited way too long and I was in extreme discomfort.
  • Breast milk will change throughout the course of your breast feeding relationship. It is believed that mom’s mammary gland receptors can interpret your baby’s backwash spit and change the composition to tailor to your baby’s current needs. This is truly amazing!
  • Your baby will want to feed all the time at least mine did.
  • Your boobs will leak! My milk came in about 3 days after having my daughter and caught me in complete surprise. I remember thinking why is my stomach wet! Nipple pads are a must at first unless you don’t mind being wet all the time. I remember being at the store and not having a pad in and I had a perfect wet circle around my nipple.
  • Pushing your nipples in helps to stop the milk from leaking out when your baby is nursing on the other side. It also helps to push them in when putting your bra on. Your nipples will get bigger and you don’t want them folded over in your bra.
  • Try different nursing positions to find one that works for you and your baby. There are positions for moms that have had C-sections too. I really struggled with finding a position that worked. I ended up using Kushies nursing pillow which worked wonders. You can also try a boppy pillows, nursing wedges, and any kind of pillow help until you become more comfortable with nursing.
  • You will probably have a boob that produces more than the other and that’s completely normal.

Support: (This is so so important!)

  • Seek out breastfeeding support groups. This was a lifesaver for me. I was able to get support/advice from other moms going through similar situations. You may even end up making some new friends!
  • Lactation consultants can do wonders! Our lactation consultant is the one who found the lip and tongue-tie.
  • Kellymom is a great website for new moms.
  • Ask for help when you need a break. You are going to be exhausted!
  • The Wonder Weeks app shows you what your infant/toddler is going through during different developmental leaps. It helps explain why your baby might be extra fussy at different stages.

Toddler Nursing:

  • Nursing a toddler becomes more interesting. They twist and turn and stand up all while having your nipple in their mouth. They typically nurse much faster but are easily distracted.
  • Your toddler might ask for boobie in public and try to lift your shirt. This is my daughter to a T! I try everything to distract her from getting milk and nothing works. She knows what she wants!
  • Toddlers often do drive byes just to make sure its still there.
  • Toddlers do and say some pretty funny things! My daughter recently said, “Milk Yum” and licked her lips.  She has also shouted, “Yay bobbie!”


  • One day you will miss it so enjoy every minute!
  • Breastfeed as long as you want and don’t let others influence your decision. You know what is best for you and your child.
  • You are in survivor mood so do what works best for you and your baby.
  • Don’t beat yourself up if breastfeeding does not work for you. You are still a great momma!

Advice from other Breastfeeding Mommas:

“Trust your body to know what it needs to do.”- Kelly

“Don’t stress out about it! It’s amazing what you can do…“ “Don’t over analyze pumping.” – Jessica

“Join a breastfeeding and/or moms group.” – Pam

“Set small breastfeeding goals and reach towards those.” “No one says that your baby has to be exclusively breastfeed to get the benefits so do what you can!”- Rachel

“Start supplements early such as Lecithin and fenugreek to help with increasing production.”- Hannah

“Mommin’ isn’t easy but it is the most rewarding thing you can do.”- Jessica


xoxo Jessica