
Sleep What’s That?!?

May 19, 2018

To those momma’s whose babies still do not sleep, I’m right there with you! Sleeping through the night in our household consist of 3-4 hour stretches at best for my boobie loving 21 month old daughter which means mommy gets about half of that. It’s exhausting and frustrating! Especially when I’ve seen the clock at 9:30, 12:30, 3:30, 5:30, and 6:00. All I want is a 5 hour stretch that’s all I’m asking for! We do everything possible to wear her out during the day and make sure she eats decently throughout the day so maybe a full tummy will help. We have tried using lavender essential oils, relaxing bath, and Lulla Doll sleep companion but it does not seem to make a difference. I am that mom were I see a new sleep aid product and I automatically want to try it in hopes of getting a little more sleep. In those moments of frustration, I remind myself that there is a reason she is waking up whether it be teething, gas, nightmares, hungry/thirst, hot/cold, or in need of comfort.  I’m not going to lie and say that there aren’t nights were she test my patience or I have to walk away and take a moment to regroup but than I look at that sweet face and she politely says “Momma please” and I melt. There will be a day that she doesn’t need me to sleep and she will be too busy to snuggle so until than I will enjoy every lack of sleep exhausting snuggly moment.




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