About Me

I’m Jessica, an Indiana girl turned Southern. I am married to an amazing and truly motivating man. He is actually the one who gave me the final push I needed to start my blog. He inspires me to do and be better.

On August 4th, 2016, we welcomed our sweet baby girl, Claire May into our world. She is one sassy, independent, and energetic toddler. Who keeps us on our toes!

I am a full-time momma and a Speech- Language Pathologist. The two greatest jobs there are!

In my “free” time because who has that when you have a toddler, I enjoy reading, hiking, going to 30A with my family, and working out. Although currently, my typically workouts consist of dancing around the house, jumping, spinning, (I mean who doesn’t like to spin around until they feel dizzy) and playing outside. And who needs the gym, when you can chase a toddler around. She is certainly our greatest blessing. We are navigating life as parents. It is not always easy but it is definitely worth it.

Family is everything to us. The bigger the better. We try to make the most of everyday and capture every moment possible.